Continue chat
To initiate a chat, do not provide a sessionId
nor a message
Continue the conversation by providing the sessionId
and the message
that should answer the previous question.
Set the isPreview
option to true
to chat with the non-published version of the typebot.
Path Parameters |
sessionId string — REQUIRED |
Request Body — REQUIRED |
message string |
Responses |
Schema |
lastMessageNewFormat stringThe sent message is validated and formatted on the backend. This is set only if the message differs from the formatted version. | messages object[] | input objectprefilledValue string | runtimeOptions objectpaymentIntentSecret string | amountLabel string | publicKey string |
| clientSideActions object[]lastBubbleBlockId string | expectsDedicatedReply boolean |
| logs object[]status string | description string | details |
| dynamicTheme objecthostAvatarUrl string | guestAvatarUrl string |
Schema |
message string | code string | issues object[] |